These are my solo piano recordings, available as MP3 downloads; $5 for MP3s or $10 for physical CD. Payment accepted by Stripe, safe, secure, accepts most payment methods (Credit cards, ApplePay, GooglePay) Thank you
2024 “Rhapsody in Chicago Blues” coming in December 2023
From 2023, SoundZChicago features the Peacherine Rag: Scott Joplin, Clair de Lune: Claude Debussy, Room to Boogie by Tim with more blues, rags, Gershwin and 4 of Tim’s original jazz compositions. 18 tracks.
2021 Album “Beginnings” has old jazz works: The Jitterbug Waltz with a surprise boogie middle section and 7 others. Original contemporary jazz, beautiful Piano Preludes by George Gershwin, a J S Bach Prelude and Fugue and much more. 20 Tracks.
A riddle on 20/20 vision, “2020 Hearing” features Spanish music by Jose Iturbi, Granada and Maleguena. Australian woman composers Miriam Hyde and Elena Kats-Chernin. Of course more blues and rags and beautiful Chopin Nocturnes.
My first solo piano CD (2011) “Branches” has 4 tracks with late great singer Elaine Hamilton, a true friend who is missed all around Chicago. Her swinging “Bye Bye Blackbird” and “Since I Fell for You” are fantastic. Tim plays 7 originals, Debussy “Reverie” and “Clair de Lune”, Rhapsody in Blue and the most famous rag of all Scott Joplin’s 1898 “Maple Leaf Rag”.
If you buy the MP3 downloads I will send you a link to a folder with the MP3 tracks and the album graphics and titles. Thank you, Tim